Category Archives Online Shopping


In modern times, human become quite advanced in term of science, medications, technology and educations. But there are also numerous ancient incredibly valuable practices available in world that stands far ahead from the modern techniques. Ayurveda is one of the greatest example of this, which has been into practices since 5000 years back. It supports the well-being and health through…


Are you are suffering from blemishes and want to get rid of them. Are you afraid to go out with friends and meet people due to blemishes? Then we have a quick fix solution for you that help to relieve from blemishes and build confidence within you. But before discussing about solution let’s discuss what cause blemishes on skin. What…


Roop Mantra fairness cream is the Ayurvedic formulation of 12 different herbs in which various active ingredients synergistically act to fade dark circles around the eyes. The Herbal Fairness cream Roop Mantra Ayurvedic contains vitamin E, mild astringent properties and acts as bleaching agents that helps in lightening the dark circles and dilute puffiness around the eyes. The regular application…


Pimples sometimes become more distressed as they leave unpleasant scars behind them which cause inflammation or red colour on the skin surface. In this instance, Roop Mantra products are helpful to relieve from acne, pimple and the scars leaving behind acne and pimple. Roop Mantra skin care products have been formulated by doing a deep research on the various factors…


Most of the scholars considered the Ayurveda as the oldest healthcare system of the world. Ayurveda means “Science of life”. Ayurveda is often called as “Mother of all healing” as it is practiced in India more than 5000 years back. Its roots are immerged in Ancient Vedic culture and wide part of Ayurveda is transferred from generation to generation through…


Most of us, don’t even know about the pH level of skin and how pH variation affects our skin. As per dermatologists, our skin requires to maintain a balance at slightly acidic range for optimal health of skin. The perfect range of pH level for skin is 4 to 5.5 which is slightly acidic in nature; at this level skin is able…
