Category Archives India Most Trusted Brand

Vitamin E as a Skin Nutrient

Vitamin E or alpha-tocopherol is a powerful Fat-soluble antioxidant which mainly found in Green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, seafood, and fruits. Vitamin E oil can rejuvenate your skin and overall health. Vitamin E oil can be used as a nutrient and an antioxidant. The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) explains that Vitamin E is an…

Benefits of Taking a Hot Shower in Winters B

Nothing feels better than a hot water bath after a hectic and tiring day. During cold and breezy winter, a hot water bath makes you feel alive against harsh cold time. A hot shower not only feels good but it can also be beneficial to your health, relaxing and rejuvenating your body, muscles, joints and overall mood. Everyone feels different…


Every season is different and needs a different beauty care too. Spring is considered as the most pleasant season among all four seasons. As temperature rises gradually in spring season, it helps to sloughing of dead skin cells and rejuvenates the skin cells. Therefore, a perfect care beauty regimen is required in this season, which works synergistically to enhance the…
