Category Archives Ayurvedic Soap

Vitamin E as a Skin Nutrient

Vitamin E or alpha-tocopherol is a powerful Fat-soluble antioxidant which mainly found in Green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, seafood, and fruits. Vitamin E oil can rejuvenate your skin and overall health. Vitamin E oil can be used as a nutrient and an antioxidant. The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) explains that Vitamin E is an…

Benefits of Taking a Hot Shower in Winters B

Nothing feels better than a hot water bath after a hectic and tiring day. During cold and breezy winter, a hot water bath makes you feel alive against harsh cold time. A hot shower not only feels good but it can also be beneficial to your health, relaxing and rejuvenating your body, muscles, joints and overall mood. Everyone feels different…
