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Poor Blood Circulation and Skin Problems

Skin problems are something that nobody wants. Everyone desires a healthy and Glowing Skin as Flawless Skin boosts up confidence level. Whenever we hear someone speaking about vibrant or beautiful skin, most of us do not think about Blood Circulation. Isn’t it correct? In Actual, Why

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Fight Some Common Signs of Skin Aging with Natural Therapy

Some things can become better with age but this statement is not suitable for your skin. In fact, the opposite is true. Because as you grow older your skin begins to break down and aging signs start appearing. However, science has undergone many developments, but it

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What is your Ayurvedic Dosha?

Ayurveda is the science which is around us from thousands of years. Ayurveda is the science of life as described by its name itself. “Ayur” means life and “Veda” means Science or knowledge. It offers a body of wisdom to help people stay healthy as well

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10 Super Foods for Glowing Skin

These days’ people are opting for Healthy Lifestyle choices. People are becoming more aware about the nutritional benefits of the food they intake. To maintain the beauty of skin and health, people are including super foods to their Diet. What are Super Foods? Super foods are

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Why people are shifting

Why people are shifting from chemical-cosmetics to Ayurvedic products ?

From ages, India is known to be the land of Ayurveda. Recently it’s seen that people are dependent more on chemical laden cosmetic products. Usage of these products is very common in day-to-day life and is available in varieties in the market. Consumers often buy looking

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