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Laser treatments are taken a lot these days to rejuvenate skin. It is the fastest way to deal with scars and hyper pigmentation. It is also beneficial for inflammatory acnes. The laser therapy benefit, as well as drawback is that it has very precise effect.

How laser treatment works?

Laser produces intense monochromatic light which is limited to narrow bands of wavelength. This light put high intensity effects on some substances and has no effect on others.

This light can heat up hemoglobin to treat skin cells. It can melt the melanin which causes pigmentation on skin. Laser is used by dermatologists to destroy specific substances at certain depth in the skin.

Laser light generally heat up a particular substance in the skin. Blemishes are removed by process called as photothermolysis. In this, the selective tissues in the skin are breakdown. Continuous laser light destroy tissues which surrounds the target; this treatment is done with pulsed lasers.

Should You Have Laser Treatment for Acne?

Laser treatment for acne is very expensive and it is not covered by insurance. Each session cost is high and one needs to go for at least 10 sessions.

If you are using Retin-A then you can take laser treatment after 6 months. There can be noticeable difference between treated and untreated areas of skin.

If you are suffering from psoriasis or eczema; laser treatment can worsened it.

What are the side effects caused by laser treatments?

There are some side effects that are commonly experienced with laser treatments. You may not experience all of these side effects; it depends upon type of laser procedure. Here are some of the side effects of laser treatment:-

Pain-after-laser-therapy1- Pain after laser therapy: – Generally before cosmetic laser treatment, anesthetics are applied to minimize the pain as much as possible. There can be post-operative pain and you can feel discomfort afterwards. Doctors may prescribe pain reliever pills.


Redness-Swelling-after-laser2- Redness/Swelling after laser: – This is very common side effect of laser treatment. This redness can be there for months until it’s healed on its own. Facial itchiness, redness and swelling is very common post laser and the pink skin can be seen for many weeks.


Sensitivity-to-sun3- Sensitivity to sun: – Cosmetic laser damage your skin to encourage it to heal which makes it sensitive to sun. If you have got laser done on your face then it is very important to stay out of the sun.

Do not go outside during peak hours and wear sunscreen protection. Don’t get any photo damage when your skin is already sensitive.

Skin-pigmentation-after-laser-treatment4- Skin pigmentation after laser treatment: – Some people skin type is not suitable for laser treatment. Generally, laser work better on lighter skin tone than darker ones. There is risk of pigmentation on both types of skin. People can suffer from hypo-pigmentation (lightening of the skin) or hyper-pigmentation (darkening of the skin).

Infections5- Infections: – Infections can occur especially with some more invasive cosmetic laser procedure. Doctors do prescribe the antibiotic creams and pills to take after treatment to prevent infections from occurring.

These were most common side effects which are caused by laser treatments. Before opting for laser treatment; one should go for herbal treatments. These treatments are natural and without any side effects.

If you are suffering from acne, scars or blemishes; use Roop Mantra capsules along with Roop Mantra Ayurvedic face cream. This is natural way to cure skin problems and there will be no need to go for these expensive laser treatments.

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