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Managing oily skin in winters is a difficult task. You might think that the dry breeze of the winter removes the excess oil, but unfortunately, this is not true. Although the weather may be extremely dry outside, the decrease in the humidity will blot your T-zones than usual. Thus, be it winters or summers, oily skin must be treated with special care. Read on to know how to care for your oily skin during the winter.

Some Easy-to-follow winter Skincare Tips for Oily Skin :

A few changes in your skin care routine can help you get a moisturized and glowing skin.

Choose the Right Moisturizer :

You must use an oil-free moisturizer on regular basis in winters. Although there are various moisturizers available for such type of skin, the cold cream moisturizer enriched with vitamin E is the best option for oily skin. Make sure to moisturize after every face washing routine because this helps to keep the oils balanced.

Stay Hydrated :

In winters, we tend to drink less amount of water but this causes dehydration which further affects our skin too. Thus, try to consume at least 8-10 glasses of water in routine.


This will keep your skin hydrated and flush out the toxins and bacteria from the tiny pores of the skin.

 Proper Cleansing :

Proper cleansing of the face is required to wash away all the impurities without removing the natural oils of the skin. Wash your face 2-3 times a day with the best skin cleanser. Also, make sure to deep cleanse your face before going to bed at night. If your work makes you travel a lot and you don’t have access to wash your face, you can keep cleansing facial wipes along with you.

Avoid Petroleum Jelly :

You must avoid using petroleum jelly on your face and lips. In winters, your lips become chapped and dry.


It’s better to use medicated or herbal lip balm to keep your lips soft and glossy.

Tea Tree Oil :

Most people prefer taking a hot shower in winters. But they are not aware of the fact that hot water can strip of the natural oils of the skin.


However, it is proven that adding a few drops of tea tree oil in the warm water makes up for the loss of moisture. It helps to keep the skin supple and softer.

Use Moisture-Rich Skin Products :

Try to pick body washes over soap bars. It is because moisturizing body washes can be less drying than bar soap. They help to infuse the water and essential oils into the skin-which protects it from the cold weather.

For a soft and healthy skin, you can use moisturizing organic Neem body wash. Neem helps to keep your skin free from dryness and other problems like pimples and acne etc.

Use a Clean Towel :

Making use of a clean towel is helpful in preventing oily skin. Along with this, it also lowers the number of breakouts. After washing your face, don’t rub your skin instead pat dry it.


Using the same towel may lead to the transfer of bacteria present in the towel back to your face. Therefore, to avoid this you must use a freshly washed clean towel every week.

Exfoliate Your Skin :

Regular cleaning and exfoliating your skin is helpful in maintaining a healthy skin tone. You must adopt a regular routine and use a good exfoliating gel which has minute granules enriched with vitamin E. Use it two times a week to get wonderful results.

Eat a Healthy Diet :

It may be difficult but try to avoid eating heavy cheesy, fried and sugary foods in winters. Such foods put more pressure on your body to divert energy into breaking down and digesting.


Thus, eat a healthy diet which includes lots of fruits and veggies in it.

Summary: – When the temperature drops and cold winds whistle, that chilly dry air and the low humidity can be a disaster for the skin! You can’t control the cold weather or turn off the heat indoors. Following the above-shared tips can help you. Moreover, you can use Roop Mantra ayurvedic skin care products to keep your skin healthy and glowing in winters.



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