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As summer season approaches, the first thing that makes us happy is Summer Holidays. Isn’t it? We all keep our luggage ready to go for vacations in summers. But the one thing that we worry about is Acne.

Vacation is all about smiles and selfies until that annoying pimple pops up. Acne/pimples are the most common skin problem that people face while travelling. Dealing with the acne breakouts is something that is on top priority while seeing the world.

What causes acne while travelling?

There are various reasons for acne breakouts while travelling:-

  • Change in diet plan
  • Long duration of Flight
  • Break in your usual skincare routine can trigger blemishes
  • Stress; as it affects hormonal levels and cause acne
  • Change in temperature and humidity levels
  • Change in mineral content of water, which we use to cleanse our skin
  • Using products provided in hotels which are not compatible with our skin.

How to avoid vacations breakouts?

Here are some tips that can help you to prevent the acne breakouts this vacation.

Intake-healthy-diet1- Intake healthy diet: – Keep your diet clean and healthy. It is quite obvious that we try to explore new foods and the local cuisine. Consuming too many dairy products, seafood’s or salty food such as fries can lead to breakouts or even cystic acne. Do not avoid these foods completely but try to indulge with moderations.

Make-use-of-acne-safe-makeup2- Make use of acne safe makeup: – If you are planning to hit clubs or pubs and taking lots of adorable selfies, you would try new makeup products. You can try some new makeup products for your night out. But make sure that it should be according to your skin type and also check pore-clogging ingredients before you buy it.

Change-your-pillow-case3- Change your pillow case: – Residue of hair products and the skin oils build up on the pillow cases can be contribute to the breakouts. If you are staying in a hotel, ask for a new pillow cases from housekeeping every night. If you want to take along your own then pack them in some resalable plastic bag so you will always have a fresh one.

Get-your-Beauty-sleep4- Get your Beauty sleep: – Never skip your sleep. Lack of sleep can increase the stress hormones which contribute to breakouts. So try to take at least 6-7 hours of sleep.


Maintain-your-skin-care-routine5- Maintain your skin care routine: – Maintain your usual skincare routine, do not avoid it. Take the entire product you use along with you on vacation. You can carry in small containers if possible. If you cannot take everything at least carry your cleanser, toner, sunscreen, wet wipes and light moisturizer.

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Travelling can leave you exhausted, but don’t make it you excuse for not cleansing your skin before going to bed. Make sure to keep yourself hydrated inside as well as outside. Drink enough water. Try these tips for summer vacation and keep your acne under control. Keep glowing with good skin after travelling.

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  • Is It Safe To Use Borax For Skin? | The-Healthveda-Ayurveda-A-Key-of-Healthy-Living

    May 13, 2017

    […] help to get rid of dead cells, reduce oil, to eliminate bacteria and to prevent acne formation ( ). This is the reason why borax is used as common component used in many creams […]

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