Summer is a season that is characterized by increased exposure of UV rays, stickiness and sweating. Therefore we advise you to use cosmetics that are oil free, non-greasy and non-comedogenic. In summer, for glowing fresh look, you have to pay extra time and attention on your
Read MoreAs this is the season of summer and skin require some extra attention and effort. But now it becomes easy to care and protect skin with natural products. Roop mantra Ayurvedic herbal face wash is enriched with cucumber extracts that helps to remove dirt and grime
Read MoreIn summer, your skin continually gets in contact with harsh UV rays, smoke, pollution and dirt in ‘day in’ and day out. Most of women are not aware of simple tactics that are used to maintain the radiant glow of skin. At every stage of life
Read MoreA picture-perfect, flawless, without fine lines, wrinkles, acne, pimple or zit is considered as a natural and clear skin. There are certain factors which are harmful for your skin such as UV or ultraviolet rays, thermoregulation, harsh weather and environmental pollution. These kinds of external factor
Read MoreIn summer, our skin continuously fights with UV rays, dirt, oil, smoke and pollution and become more prone to infection in this season. The formation of free radical, oxidation, dehydration, growth of bacteria gradually starts rising over the skin surface due to excess exposure of sun,
Read MoreSummer season is around the corner and it’s time for vacations and long trips. In summer season, UV rays are more susceptible to skin cell damage, oxidation and dehydration over the skin surface and generally give invitation to various skin related problems such as pimple, acne,
Read MoreNo matter how long winter, there’s spring sure to follow. In spring season, flowers are blooming everywhere and temperature gradually rises as earth tilt toward the sun. In this season, weather is at its most pleasant state and fresh breeze is all over in the environment.
Read MoreAcne can be the cause of stress in many teenagers and adults over 20’s. Acne, bumps, pimples are annoying and most of time, they will happen on inappropriate time. Mostly, hormonal changes due to puberty or pregnancy are the root cause behind the occurrence of acne.
Read MoreRoop Mantra products have been prepared by using highly effective herbal extracts such as Turmeric, Basil, Long pepper, Mandarin Orange etc. and provide diverse range of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants etc. that is very helpful to protect skin from aging, wrinkle, acne, pimples, and dark spots
Read MoreRoop Mantra products should not be store in refrigerator but must be stored at Room Temperature (Normal Temperature). For more information visit our web site 24X7 Help Line 0171-3055111 Buy Now Online Do not Forget to like& Share Roop Mantra Products(AyurvedicSkin Care Products in India) on Facebook,
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