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Most of the girls usually complain about the skin issues. It is often seen, pimples, acne, blemishes, and dark spots are the common skin problems that girls usually face. Although they use the best face care cream , face wash or lotion, skin issues don’t let them feel confident and make them restless.

Yes, this is obvious if your skin is not taken care of properly, it will be dull, dark and flaws will also start appearing slowly. And you will certainly feel down and also try to avoid social interactions. Well, you don’t need to worry more as we are here sharing some effective and easy to follow skin care routine for you.

Have a look!

Cleanse your Face with Mild Face Wash

Undoubtedly, daily exposure to dust, smokes, pollution and sun can dry your skin and give you dull and damaged look. No doubt that poor skin look will impact on your self-confidence.


Therefore, to get rid of such issue, it is necessary for everyone to cleanse face at least 2 times a day. For this every purpose, it is essential to use mild herbal face wash for pimples or acne prevention instead of using harsh chemicals loaded soaps.

Cleansing every day is   necessary to remove all deep seated impurities on the skin. And doing this further helps in preventing skin infections like pimples, acne, dark circles, spots and dusky or dark complexion.

Give the Magic of Exfoliation to Your Skin

Exfoliation is a skin care method that should be followed regularly for removing dead skin cells. To follow this process you should use an authentic mild scrub or a homemade scrub such as sugar and lemon.

Scrubbing once in a week is highly recommended. And if you have oily skin, increase the number of times to scrub your skin.

Tone Your Skin Naturally

Toning is an important part of cleansing process. A good toner will help to remove excess oil on skin, dirt, debris and dust. Not only this but also it will help in soothing, nourishing and hydrating skin naturally.

You skin also restore its pH balance while toned up appropriately.

Massage Your Skin with Herbal Massage Gel

To massage your skin you can either use a massage gel, cream or oil such as castor oil or almond oil.   Facial massage help reduce early ageing signs such wrinkles, fine lines or saggy skin.

Moreover, it also enhances blood flow in the skin and reduces toxins building up. Massage is a completely skin rejuvenation process that everyone should follow for a glowing and youthful skin tone.

Tighten your Skin with Face Pack

If you want to lighten, brighten and tighten your skin, apply natural face packs on your skin. Either you can apply homemade masks or Haldi Chandan Face pack by Roop Mantra.

While choosing a skin care product, it is always good to use something Ayurvedic or natural as they are not harmful for skin and provide effective results. Our nature is sheer of wonderful ingredients which can no doubt wonder to improve your skin appearance.

Apply Sunscreen to Prevent Sun Harm

The most important part of skin care is to apply sun protection body lotion to prevent harmful effects of sun rays. Sun damage is one of the main reasons for skin dullness and darkness. The main causes for sun burn, skin ageing, suntan and skin cancer is high exposure  to UV rays of the sun.

Sunscreen Cream

Some studies show that 90 percent of skin cancers are the result of sun exposure. Besides, premature ageing signs such as wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots  are also occur due to it. Therefore, it is necessary to protection skin with a natural and authentic sunscreen lotion whenever you step out from your home.

Drink Enough Amount of Water

Skin issues like pimples, acne, blemishes, dark spots and dark circles are the reason of toxins in the body.  So, to flush out these toxins from the body is quite necessary. And nothing is better than enough   drinking water per day.

Make sure to drink 8-9 glasses of water a day for better skin health.

These are some skin care routines that every woman should follow for to keep skin clean, clear and flawless.  Additionally, while choosing beauty products, ensure they are the combination of natural ingredients and do not harm   your skin.  For instance, Roop Mantra skin care range is completely Ayurvedic and keeps your skin healthy, nourished and glowing with chosen ingredients of nature.

Skin care Products Roop Mantra

Moreover, if you liked the reading post, please do share it with others to help them maintain a better skin care routine.

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