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Pimples sometimes become more distressed as they leave unpleasant scars behind them which cause inflammation or red colour on the skin surface. In this instance, Roop Mantra products are helpful to relieve from acne, pimple and the scars leaving behind acne and pimple. Roop Mantra skin care products have been formulated by doing a deep research on the various factors leading to various skin disorders. Roop Mantra Ayurvedic face wash cream helps to remove the excess sebum or oil from the skin surface. Roop Mantra Ayurvedic cream is enriched with Aloe-Vera, Wine grapes and Carrot which are enriched with Vitamin C and poses antioxidant properties which benefits in removing dark spots, acne, scars, pimples, dark circles, aging and wrinkles from the skin surface. Use Roop Mantra cream and Roop Mantra capsules continuously for at least 21 days to get optimal results. You can try following steps along with Roop Mantra Ayurvedic products to get fairer and glowing skin.

1). Eat fresh fruits:

Eat fresh fruits that are rich in pigments, vitamins and minerals. You can also use seeds and nuts to nourish the skin. Fruits such as oranges, blueberries, cherries, chia seeds, kiwi and grapefruit are beneficial to nourish the skin. Vegetables such as asparagus, cabbage, carrot, Rhubarb and spinach are also help to fight with the damage caused by free radicals.

2). Stay hydrated: 

Keep your skin well hydrated and nourished with skin care products. Use products which contain natural antioxidants like Aloe Vera, Cucumber, ocimum sanctum, sandal instead of synthetic anti-oxidants. These herbs help in removal of free radical from skin and slow down the aging process. You can use Roop Mantra Ayurvedic fairness cream and face-wash.

3). Avoid sun exposure:

Avoid the excess exposure of sun light as UV rays can damage the skin layers and faster the aging process. It also leads to premature signs of aging, uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation over skin.

4). Get adequate sleep:

Daily 7-8 hour sleep is helpful for you to relieve the signs of aging. When you are not taking enough sleep then the production of cortisone hormone observed which damaged the skin cells. On the other side, when you get enough rest or sleep then it help to promote HGH (human growth hormone) in body which help to rejuvenation of skin cells.

5). Cleanse your skin: 

Cleanse your skin twice a day with Roop Mantra Cucumber Face wash which works effectively to remove the dirt, grime and dead skin cells from the skin surface and cleanse your skin from deep inside.

6). Quit smoking: 

Smoking causes the release of enzymes which cause degeneration of elastin and collagen, which are important compound of skin. So, avoid the usage of cigarettes to protect skin from degenerative effect of smoking.

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 Roop Mantra Face Cream

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