Ayurveda is the science which is around us from thousands of years. Ayurveda is the science of life as described by its name itself. “Ayur” means life and “Veda” means Science or knowledge. It offers a body of wisdom to help people stay healthy as well as vibrant.
These days Ayurveda is a buzz worthy topic in the beauty world. It is a system of natural healing which originated in India. Ayurveda balances the body through right diet, routine and skincare system. This all is customized to your own personal wellness blueprint which is also known as dosha.
‘Doshas’ in Ayurveda means unique physical and mental constitution that influences personal wellbeing. Each and every one of us has its own dominant dosha or it can be combination of two or three of these forces. These are combinations of prime elements like air, earth, water, fire and ether. These doshas are the energies behind all body functions.
One can maintain the balance during the change of seasons for Good Health and skin by knowing about their doshas. The ayurvedic skin type can be known by analyzing which element is present in your skin.
Understanding your Skin type
The predominant element of this skin type is both air and space. This type of skin is very delicate, fine and cool to touch. People who attain vata as their skin type have higher risk of developing Skin Problems like eczema and skin fungus. Vata skin type can develop early signs of ageing on their skin. To avoid such skin conditions, make sure to get good night sleep and keep stress and worries far away from you.
In this type of skin, both fire and water are dominant elements. Pitta skin individuals are fair with soft and warm glow. This skin type cannot tolerate excessive exposure of sunlight as it is very sensitive. Pitta skin is prone to acne, inflammation, eczema, rashes and itching. This type of skin is also prone to discoloration, oily T-zone, Wrinkles, Blackheads and Whiteheads.
Kapha skin type is cool, oily and soft having luminous complexion. Kapha skin is smooth and cool in touch and easily gets infections and rashes but when out of balance it can suffer from Acne, Blackheads or Oiliness.
There are various herbs which can be useful in treating the unbalance caused by these dosha. Different ayurvedic brands are available in market which helps to avoid problems caused by these dosha like Roop Mantra, who studies your skin issues and provide with effective solution.
What is your Ayurvedic Dosha? If you have any other information, Please add in Comments.
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