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Summer is almost here, so, it is a perfect time to bring out short dresses and shades to enjoy the summer with family and friend in parks and beach. But the most of the people end up their day with getting bad tan due to exposure of harsh sun rays throughout the day. In summer, many people complained of tan skin and they have some common questions to ask. Like is bleaching cream helpful in reducing tan, how I get rid of stubburn tan, Is it possible to get rid of tan completely, can cosmetics help to reduce tan, etc. These are some common questions which are asked by the peoples in summer. Well, we have good news for you. You can get rid of tan by using Ayurvedic medicinal ointments for tan. There are so many herbs which are used to relieve from tan. Aloe vera, cucumber, seba, lemon are one of the commonly known herbs which are used to relieve from tan. Ayurveda describe those herbs which have broad spectrum benefits to treat skin related problems. You can easily try some Ayurvedic medicinal ointments for better results. Roop Mantra Ayurvedic cream is one of the best anti-tan removal products which are enriched with 12 natural Ayurvedic herbs. To get rid of tan you should follow these steps in your daily life routine.

  • Wash your face twice daily with Roop Mantra face wash which is rich in cucumber.
  • Use Roop Mantra Ayurvedic cream to remove the excess oil.
  • Avoid makeup that contains excess oil.
  • Clean the skin thoroughly before bed with Roop Mantra face wash.

You can also try these home remedies:

    Lemon Juice, Yogurt, and Tomato

Mix a table spoon of yogurt lemon juice and tomato pulp and mix them gently. Apply the mixture as a face pack on face for 30 minute. After 30 minutes, wash with cold water.

    Oatmeal and Buttermilk

Mix some spoon of oatmeal with buttermilk and apply it on affected area. Do not wash it until 10-15 minutes. After this wash affected area with lukewarm water.

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